Our project is fortunate enough to have a dedicated international community of transcribers. Our Transcribers are individuals who have contributed to our crowdsourcing transcription efforts. Here is a list of their names, institutional affiliations and texts transcribed. After 2016, names are listed by transcribathon or course below the alphabetical list.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
A back to top ↑
Allen, Kathy, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Alsulob, Najwa, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS V.a. 600.
Anderson, Melanie, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS W.b. 653.
Elizabeth Arnold, The University of Texas, Arlington, Folger MS Vb 380
Arroyo, Kellie, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619, Wellcome MS 169.
Ashby, James, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
B back to top ↑
Bacavis, Chris, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Baker, Madalyn, University of Texas, Arlington, Wellcome MS 7113.
Barcenas, Sam, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger V.a.388.
Baur, Casidy, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Bedford, Barbara, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Benger, Pattie, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Bentley, Lucas, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Bettish, Danielle, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619.
Bigley, James, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Wellcome MS 4338 and Wellcome MS 7113.
Bishop, Brittany, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Wellcome MS 184a.
Bittner, Kat, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Boettcher, Chris, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger V.a.388
Boyd, Rauslynn, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS V.a. 600.
Braaten, Rae, University of Saskatchewan, Wellcome MS 4338.
Bray, Katherine, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Brenno, Owen, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Buck, Amanda, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619.
Buell, Kendall, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Buhler, Janet, University of Saskatchewan, Wellcome MS 4338.
C back to top ↑
Carlsen, Erik, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Carrasco, Robert, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Caro–Barnes, Jennifer, University of Texas, Arlington, Wellcome MS 7113.
Carter, Ronald, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS V.a. 600.
Cey, Jonathan, University of Saskatchewan, Wellcome MS 4338.
Clark, Chelsea, University of Saskatchewan, Wellcome MS 4338.
Clarke, Victoria. University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619.
Clifton, Nadia, University of North Carolina Charlotte, Folger MS V.a. 600.
Conrad, Joseph, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619.
Cook, Jenae, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Cope-Crisford, Maya, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS v.b. 366.
Corr, Ashley, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Courtney, Josie, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Cruse, Kenny, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Wellcome MS 4338 and Wellcome MS 7113.
Cummings, Megan, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
D back to top ↑
Daigle, Evann, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619.
Deagle, Pamela, University of Saskatchewan, Wellcome MS 4338.
deCourville, Nichols, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS v.b. 366, Folger MS W.b. 653, and Folger MS V.a. 600.
DeKlyen, Morgan, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger V.a.388
Delaney, Zack, The University of Texas, Arlington, Folger MS Vb 380
Denham, Samantha, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Dennison, Kathleen, University of Texas, Arlington, Wellcome MS 7113.
Diambri, Michael, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Dinnean, Amanda, The University of Texas, Arlington, Folger MS Vb 380
Doe, Sarah, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619.
Dolan, Gabby, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Drew, Julie, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS v.b. 366 and Folger MS V.a. 600.
E back to top ↑
Eagle, Hannah, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Emerson, Elizabeth, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Wellcome MS 4338 and Wellcome MS 7113.
Enns, Roth, University of Saskatchewan, Wellcome MS 4338.
Evans, La Vonne, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS V.a. 600.
F back to top ↑
Faith, Ian, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Wellcome MS 4338 and Wellcome MS 7113.
Fatzinger, Samuel, The University of Texas, Arlington, Arlington, TX, Wellcome MS 169, Wellcome MS 184, Wellcome MS 7113, Folger MS V. a. 600.
Farnham, Robert, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Wellcome MS 184a.
Feil, Ashley, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Ferguson, Michael, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Frey, Kietra, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Friedland, Rachel, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Frilseth, Njaal, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger V.a.388
Frohock, Bo, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Froy, Jacqueline, University of Saskatchewan, Wellcome MS 4338.
G back to top ↑
Gallagher, Sean, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Gardner, Kaitlin, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Gaydusek, Douglas, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Ghio, Josefina, University of Texas, Arlington, Vb.380
Gendke, Lindsey, University of Texas, Arlington, Vb. 380
Glombitza, Daniel, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Wellcome MS 4338.
H back to top ↑
Hajek, Kaylie, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a, Folger MS Va 619.
Hale, Michael, The University of Texas, Arlington, Arlinton, TX, Wellcome MS 169, Wellcome MS 184, Folger MS V. a. 600
Hall, Monterey, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a, Folger MS Va 619, and Folger MS V.a. 600.
Hampton, Chloe, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Hansen, Britteny, University of Saskatchewan, Wellcome MS 4338.
Harbold, Haley, University of Texas, Arlington, Vb. 380
Hardy-Butler, Kayla, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS v.b. 366, Folger MS W.b. 653, and Folger MS V.a. 600.
Hartlerode, Olivia, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Heffelfinger, Emily, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS W.b. 653.
Herbert, Amanda, Folger Shakespeare Library, Folger v.b. 366.
Hollifield, ReBecca, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Holloman, Ainsley, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619.
Horton, Sara, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Hubbard, Aaron, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Wellcome MS 4338 and Wellcome MS 7113.
Hurtt, Haley, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Hutchison, Julia, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
I back to top ↑
Ippolito, Michael, University of Texas, Arlington, Vb. 380
Isenberg, Cassandra, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Wellcome MS 4338 and Wellcome MS 7113.
J back to top ↑
Jackson, Jana, The University of Texas, Arlington, Arlington, TX, Wellcome MS 169, Wellcome MS 184, Folger MS V. a. 600.
Jaynes, Katelyn, University of Texas, Arlington, Wellcome MS 7113.
Jaegle, Julia, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Wellcome MS 4338.
Jergenseon, Sandra Clark, University of Texas, Arlington, Wellcome MS 7113.
Jessop, Alexandra, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Johnson, Ashley, University of Texas, Arlington, Vb. 380
Johnson, Gabriel, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Jones, Laura, University of Texas, Arlington, Vb. 380
Jorgenson, Katy, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Justus, L. Jerleen, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS V.a. 600.
K back to top ↑
Karol, Shauna, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Kellman, Pamela, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Wellcome MS 4338 and Wellcome MS 7113.
Kello, Robin, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Wellcome MS 184a.
Kiely, Eamon, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619.
Kienberger, Elsa, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Kimura, Jenny, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger V.a.388
King, Annalise, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Kolbl, AnnMarie, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS V.a. 600.
Kuhajda, Casey, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS v.b. 366, Folger MS W.b. 653 and Folger MS V.a. 600.
L back to top ↑
Lambert, Nikita, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Larson, Valerie, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MA Va 619.
Laux, Virgilia, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MA Va 619, Wellcome MS 169.
Lepka, Lesya, University of Saskatchewan, Wellcome MS 4338.
Lux, Christopher, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Wellcome MS 184a.
M back to top ↑
Magure, Zachary, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS V.a. 600.
Malmo, Lina, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger V.a.388.
Mamola, Gabriel, The University of Texas, Arlington, Arlington, TX, Wellcome MS 169, Wellcome MS 184, Folger MS V. a. 600.
Marsh, Sierra, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Martinez, Cherish, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619, Wellcome MS 169.
McAlister, Lisa, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Wellcome MS 184a.
McBroom, Gina, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 169.
McClain, Angela, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
McDonald-Miranda, Kat, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS v.b. 366.
Medlin, Maralie, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Wellcome MS 184a.
Mieir, Addie, University of Texas, Arlington, Vb. 380
Mocarski, Thomas, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS V.a. 600.
Montgomery, Kaylor, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS V.a. 600.
Moore, Amanda, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Morgan, Jill, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Wellcome MS 184a.
Morphis, Catherine, University of Texas, Arlington, Wellcome MS 7113.
Morrison, Ashley, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS V.a. 600.
Morrison, Robert Tate, University of Texas, Arlington, Vb. 380
Morrow, Joel, University of Texas, Arlington, Wellcome MS 7113.
Muth, Barrett, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Muto, Kathryn, University of Texas, Arlington, Wellcome MS 7113.
N back to top ↑
Naihe, Brandi, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Narasaki, Linda, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Neal, Nathan, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS V.a. 600.
Needles, Allison, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger V.a.388
Newton, Maxine, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Nguyen, Julie, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS V.a. 600.
Nickle, Jennifer, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619.
Nickols, Laura (Artemis), University of Texas, Arlington, Vb. 380
O back to top ↑
Odum, Calley, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Olsen, Nichole, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Olson, Christopher, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619.
Orcutt, Zoe, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS V.a. 600.
P back to top ↑
Parrish, Taylor, The University of Texas, Arlington, Arlington, TX, Wellcome MS 169, Wellcome MS 184, Folger MS V. a. 600
Pelayo, Vanessa, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Perkins, Kayla, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Perkins, Melissa, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS v.b. 366.
Perkins, Mikki, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Peterman, Nicholas, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS V.a. 600.
Phelps, Lauren, The University of Texas, Arlington, Arlington, TX, Wellcome MS 169, Wellcome MS 184, Folger MS V. a. 600
Ploskonka, Mitchell, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS v.b. 366.
Porter, Shelan, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger V.a.388
Powers, Jonathan, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619.
Preston, Andrew, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Wellcome MS 4338 and Wellcome MS 7113.
Pyne, Paula, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Wellcome MS 184a.
Q back to top ↑
R back to top ↑
Ramey, Emily, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.Rendt, Victoria, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Rheuark, Ashley, University of Texas, Arlington, Vb. 380
Riecke, Andrew, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Riley, Maia, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger V.a.388
Robertshaw, Ian, University of Saskatchewan, Wellcome MS 4338.
Roche, Jennifer, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Rodriguez, Alexis, University of Texas, Arlington, Vb. 380
Roervik, Solveig, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388, Wellcome MS 7113.
Rojahn, Henrik, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Rombach, Rebekah, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619
Roycroft,Nicolai, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Rutz, Kat, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a and MS 169.
S back to top ↑
Sander, Lindsay, University of Saskatchewan, Wellcome MS 4338.
Sanders, Blakely, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Schaus, Julianna, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger V.a.388
Schenck, Candice, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Schultheis, Melissa Christine, University of Colorado Boulder (soon to be Rutgers University), Wellcome MS 169.
Scully, Madeline, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Shell, Cristopher, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS V.a. 600.
Sherwood, Alicia, The University of Texas, Arlington, Arlington, TX, Wellcome MS 169, Wellcome MS 184, Folger MS V. a. 600
Shen, Hui, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger V.a.388
Shevlin, Casey, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Wellcome MS 4338 and Wellcome MS 7113.
Shimko, Jennifer, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS W.b. 653.
Shultz, Haley, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger V.a.388
Sindelar, Kailin. University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Wellcome MS 184a.
Skillman, Scarlett, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Smith, Catherine, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619.
Smith, Ingrid, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Smith, Joul, University of Texas, Arlington, Wellcome MS 7113, Folger V.a. 366 and Folger MS V.a. 600.
Snively, Samantha. University of California, Davis, Wellcome MS 184a.
Somerville, Cole, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Sondall, Victoria, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Sosko, Vince, The University of Texas, Arlington, Arlington, TX, Wellcome MS 169, Wellcome MS 184, Folger MS V. a. 600, Folger V.a. 366
Spinney, Erin, University of Saskatchewan, Wellcome MS 4338.
Steffe, Kalea, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger V.a.388
Stephan, Katie, The University of Akron, Akron, OH, Folger MS v.b. 366.
Summers, Savannah, University of Texas, Arlington, Vb. 380
T back to top ↑
Takada, Leah, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Tapia, Renee, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Tendler, Travis, University of Saskatchewan, Wellcome MS 4338.
Thompson, Emily, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Thropp, Olivia, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
To, Nathan, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Tootalian, Jacob, University of South Florida, Folger MS V.a. 600.
U back to top ↑
Urban, Kathryn, University of Texas, Arlington, Vb. 380
V back to top ↑
W back to top ↑
Wakeman, Rob, University of South Florida, Folger V.a. 366 and Folger MS V.a. 600.
Warden, Terran, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger V.a.388
Watts, Nayonni, Pacific Lutheran University, Folger MS Va 388.
Weber, Breanne, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Wellcome MS 184a.
Wetzel, Crystal, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Wellcome MS 184a.
Widerspan, Ethan, Pacific Lutheran University, Wellcome MS 7113.
Will, Cherissa, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Folger MS Va 619.
X back to top ↑
Y back to top ↑
Yantis, Catherine, University of Texas, Arlington, Vb. 380
Z back to top ↑
After 2016, transcribers are listed by event or class to facilitate use.
To be entered:
NCSU courses Spring terms 2014–2017.
2014 (Mistress Corlyon)
Buzz Eaves
Amy Hemmeter
Eric Ensley
Mandy Reid
Dina Ibrahim
Marie Newkirk
Kaitlynn Lamm
Kellam Barta
Allison Deville
Samuel Fox
Spring 2016 (Constance Hall)
Kianna Allan
Jamiee Brady
Kate Bunn
Hannah Carroll
Leandrie Durand
Taela George-East
Emily Giangrande
Lyle Ivey
Anna McFayden
Samantha McLeod
Mandy Reid
Mary Anna Rice
Lauren Scudder
Marie Seegmiller
Andrew Sperling
Elizabeth Vest
Falyn Wilke
Brook Wilner
Spring 2017 (Mistress Corlyon)
Sydney Anderson
Jacob Berger
Alexandra Doria
Teresa Exley
Catherine Godbold
Cassandra Hawkins
Emily Jones
Malcolm Ogden
Sara Perkins
Taylor Wolford
UTM Students Participants in the UTM Transcribathon, May 2, 2018 (Margaret Turner):
Alaheh Amini
Fatima Anabtawi
Linda Awuah
Alicia Boatto
Kaylie Carreiro
Andrea Casciaro
Madiha Chatha
Nicole Dingle
Elthea Estrada
Myra Farooq
Erin Foley
Nicolangelo Gambatesa
Alyssa Goulart
Caitlin Hanak
Ridge Harripersad
Zaena Harrison
Maryam Hussain
Shayna Jan
Kayla Joyce
Elzbieta Kasprow
Carl-Andrew Kersey
Robyn Koutrouliotis
Vanessa Lam
Amara Malik
Nabila Masri
Yamini Masum
Alexandra Matas
Laura Neuhofer
Mariam Paiwand
Keana Pakosh
Alyssa Pearson
Justin Phillips
Nichola Picicci
Vanessa Principe
Tess Rahaman
Genna Ruffa
Alyssa Scarcello
Adelaide Shiu
Kaitlin Sooklal
Safia Tasnim
Reynold Tsui
Saleha Zubair
Other Participants
Adam Serouji
Nora Thorburn
Taterik Nersisyan
Mairi Cowan
Mehak Kawatra
SAA 2018 Workshop (Baumfylde)
Nicole Winard
Hillary Nunn
Sallie Anglin
Kristen A. Bennett
Jennifer Forsyth
Brian Harries
Gaywyn Moore
Margaret Simon
Marissa Nicosia
Danielle Rosvally
Nancy Simpson-Younger
Alexander Barton
Keri Behre
Keith Botelho
Amy Tigner
Sarah Alford
Elijah Boyd Plamondon
Madeline DeLuca
Tessa Albert
Austin Feathers
Robin Dodsworth
Quincy Robison
Madison Lazeration
Victoria Kuhr
Sarah Powell
Fall 2018 Transcribathon (Dawson)
Ian MacInnes
Kassandra Wright
Courtney Rogers
Mackie Black
Lauren Huggett
Kellie Brown
Karris McCollum
Wyatt Daulbaugh
Jeffrey Medvick
Stephanie Saksa
Tessa Triest
Emily Benjamin
Emily Turek
Mackenzie Cheyney
Nick Taylor
Khaliah Roberts
Megan Moco
Emily Kinser
Hillary Nunn
Patrick Sheperd
Cass Johnson
Emma Dudones
Afras Alharbi
Olivia Castorina
Catherine Cardno
Maggie Stehura
Brodie Waddell
Eloise Kane
Elisabeth Chaghafi
Helen Kemp
Karen Bowman
Heather Wolfe
Lisa Smith
Jennifer Park
Lucy Havard
Lucy Judd
Holly Dugan
Samantha Koller
Sharon Howard
Dorothy Cashman
Brendon Ford
Ian Williams
Amber Richberger
Joshua Eckhardt
Rebecca Laroche
Jennifer Forsyth
Elisa Tersigni
Liza Blake
Alexandra Kennedy
Elyse Martin
Benedicte Miyamoto
Chrissie Perella
Jennifer Munroe
Elaine Leong
Meghan Kern
Jacob Kline
David Goldstein
Rhiannon Scharnhorst
Adhaar Desai
Sara Pennell
Justin Halter
Emily Wahl
Reily Fay
Ashton Davenport
Jack Bouchard
April Bullock
Katie Walker
Martine van Elk
Marissa Nicosia
Zachary Schloemer
Margaret Simon
Jennifer Roberts
Kevin Sebastian
Amy Tigner
Alice Bate
Hayley Stafford
Kim Connor
Shayla Sutton
Patrick Stapleton
Anna Newman
Giselle Cherbony
Sarah Powell
Meg Brown
Brian Harries
Julia Vitale
Hope Dorman
Kailyn Lamm
Taylor Anhalt
Anna Populorum
Hannah Staubs
Mary Learner
April Socolofsky
Samantha Snively
Haley Magel
Gwyn Bourlakov
Karly Alexis Schaub
Deborah Leslie
Gabriella Santiago
Edward Probasco
Faith Acker
Kristen A. Bennett
Lauren Verna
William Walsh
Hilary Cooper
Karen Burchard
Evan Colon
Marga Iesalnieks
Keri Behre
Becca Erdman
Emily Lamendola
Kaitlyn Pellettiere
Allie Ansay
Stephan Krajco
Adrianna Covert
Marshall Talitha
Erin McCarrie
Kelly Keener
Emily Fairbairn
Roy Raymond Robson
Elizabeth St.John
Emily Cahak
Michelle Pauls
Samantha McLendon
Alyssa Carnicella
AnnMarie Kolbl
Jordan Ivie
Ash R.G.
Taylor Cook
Katherine Ledson
Jeremi Coombs
Sonia Potter
Ty Bragg
Austin Conrad
Vlad Mirea
Brooke Keller
Benjamin Stiggear
In 2013 I worked on this project with the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs as one of the transcribers. At the time, my married name was Olivia Tropp (although it is also listed at Olivia Thropp on your “transcribers” page). My name has changed since my participation in this project and I was hoping you could update it on your website and database? My name is Olivia Daller and I would be overjoyed to see the updated change on your records. Thank you so much!!!