EMROC is excited to be partnering with the Wellcome Library and the Royal College of Physicians for its Fall transcribathon, set for November 4. We’ll be virtually celebrating EMROC’s tenth anniversary, and we invite you all to mark the occasion with transcription!
This year, we’ll be transcribing Mary Hawker’s manuscript (MS 9304) from the Wellcome Collection, and a collection of medical receipts and prescriptions (MS 502) from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) in London. The Folger will be providing support via the FromthePage transcription interface.
Experts on recipe manuscripts — Rachel Rich, Edith Snook, and Tim Underhill — will be onhand to discuss their video presentations on November 4 as well. Click here to register for their talks, and see the schedule for below.
To take part in transcribing, there’s no need to register in advance, but if you’d like to attend the November 4 talks from the Wellcome, please sign up here. This page will offer quick info on preparing to use FromThePage on the day.
To learn about Mary Hawker’s manuscript from the Wellcome, check out these links:
- A video tour of the Hawker manuscript, including glimpses of foreign recipes, medicinal recipes, and edits to recipes.
To learn about the Royal College of Physicians MS 502, check out the RCP Transcribathon Page, where you can tour the manuscript and read up on snails in medical recipes. And while you’re at it, check out these blog posts from the Pamela Forde of the RCP:
- Investigating recipes: What makes a good recipe?
- Investigating recipes: Can I find this in ingredient in my local supermarket?
- Investigating recipes: How to boil an egg
- 7 AM EDT/ 4 AM PDT / 11 AM GMT: Transcription Begins! We’ll start the day out tweeting about what we find in the manuscript, and with tips for getting going. Get ready to transcribe here. Join us with the hashtags #EMROCTranscribes and #EMROCis10
- 11 AM EDT / 8 AM PDT / 3 PM GMT: Live Q&A with presenting scholars via Zoom link, available via the Wellcome Eventbrite page.
- Rachel Rich, Leeds Beckett University, discussing her presentation What can menus tell us about recipes? The case of George III and the Kew Ledger (1788-1801)
- Edith Snook, University of New Brunswick, on her presentation Seventeenth-Century English Turkey Recipes: Thinking Through an Anti-Colonial Approach
- Tim Underhill, Independent scholar and early modern shorthand expert, on Mary Hawker’s Shorthand
- 12 PM EDT / 9 AM PDT / 4 PM GMT: Zoom Room opens. https://charlotte-edu.zoom.us/j/93082716535?pwd=YUJHS2MwcWVrT1lvOWZPQTVFd3hpdz09
- Drop in to talk about the manuscript as you transcribe. We’ll be there to answer questions about transcription, chat about ingredients, and talk about early modern household practices. During this Zoom time, we’ll also launch the new Early Modern Studies Journal issue commemorating EMROC’s birthday.
- 3 PM EST / 12 PM PDT/ 7 PM GMT: Zoom Room closes