We are pleased to announce that Early Modern Studies Journal will be publishing a special issue entitled “Celebrating Ten Years of the Early Modern Recipes Online Collective.” We hope that you’ll consider submitting work to commemorate EMROC’s first decade of bringing together scholars, students and the general public in the preservation, transcription and analysis of recipes written in English from circa 1550-1800. Completed projects are due by February 1, 2022. For more details, please see this revised Call for Papers.
Category Archives: Posts
Sedley Transcription Now Available
The Royal College of Physicians has announced that the transcription of Lady Catherine Sedley’s manuscript, RCP 534, is now publicly available. Produced during our Spring transcribathon, the text is available here, via FromthePage.
Pamela Forde of the RCP has also published a new blog entry about Lady Sedley’s manuscript to mark the occasion. Take a look here: https://history.rcplondon.ac.uk/blog/revealing-recipes-deciphering-text.
EMSJ to mark EMROC’s tenth year
EMROC is nearing the decade mark, and we want to mark the occasion!
We are pleased to announce that Early Modern Studies Journal will be publishing a special issue entitled “Celebrating Ten Years of the Early Modern Recipes Online Collective.” We hope that you’ll consider submitting work to commemorate EMROC’s first decade of bringing together scholars, students and the general public in the preservation, transcription and analysis of recipes written in English from circa 1550-1800.
The issue will contain essays that demonstrate the work that EMROC’s efforts transcribing recipes have enabled.
We imagine two different types of essays in this issue:
- A core of 5-6 scholarly essays, 7,000-10,000 words and peer reviewed, that call upon EMROC for their materials or their inspiration. Such works might illustrate analysis of recipes or recipe collections, early modern medicine and/or cookery, transcription as pedagogy, or digital humanities approaches to recipe texts.
- A selection of shorter essays, 1,000-2,000 words and not peer reviewed, that comment upon EMROC’s presence in the field. These essays might comment on the impact of EMROC events, recount experiences collaborating on recipe work, or outline contributions to EMROC’s efforts.
The journal, housed at http://www.uta.edu/english/emsjournal/, uses a double-blind peer review process, so this publication should meet tenure and promotion requirements (for the scholarly articles). The digital nature of the journal allows easy integration of online sources and innovative presentations of our work. Essays can link to online repositories (of manuscript texts and images, as well as other open access online works) as well as to sources like blogs and videos. As a result, our journal issue can offer a rare chance to present innovative media presentations to peer reviewers in the recipe field.
Completed projects are due by December 15, 2021. For more details, please see the attached Call for Papers.
“Revealing Recipes” Workshop Video Now Available
The 2021 “Revealing Recipes: Top Tips from Early Modern Women” workshop is now available here. Hosted by the Wellcome Collection and organized in tandem the Royal College of Physicians, the event kicked off EMROC’s annual transcribathon, and its speakers offer fantastic background on the manuscripts, transcription, and digitization. If you want to share an introduction to early modern recipes and transcription, this is a fantastic source.
Here’s what you can see discussed:
- The Wellcome recipe collection (Richard Aspin, former Head of Special Collections at Wellcome Collection)
- The power of remedy books for the modern reader (Helen Wakely, Inclusive Collections Lead, Wellcome Collection)
- Household medicinal recipes (Anne Stobart, University of Exeter)
- Digitizing the recipe books (Christy Henshaw, Digital Production Manager, Wellcome Collection)
- Conserving recipe books (Elizabeth Fagg-Shuttlewood , Conservator, Wellcome Collection)
- EMROC and transcribing as a teaching resource (Jennifer Munroe, Professor of English, University of North Carolina and co-founder of EMROC)
- Q&A (all panellists including Pamela Forde, Head of Archives at the Royal College of Physicians, London)
Transcribathon Accomplishments
Just look what we’ve done!
Transcribers in our 2021 Revealing Recipes event produced over 300 pages of manuscript transcriptions, according to FromthePage’s statistics. It took 170 of us, but we made our way through every page of the Sedley and Ayscough manuscripts, and we made real progress on the Fanshawe as well!
We’ll have more news about our progress soon, but we couldn’t wait to share these numbers. Thanks so much to all those who joined in this collaborative effort!