Inspiration: One of the inheritors of Ann Fanshawe’s extensive manuscript recipe book jotted down dinner party hints for young women just establishing their housesholds. Her notes, in a section at the back of the book, appear under the heading “A Bill of fare, to direct a young House-keeper for setting forth a Table.”
One of course given extensive attention is the salad course, entitled “Cold meates & salletts and Rootes.” There, she suggests ingredients that can be assembled to make an opening course, being careful to include not just greens, like spinach and borage, but also gilliflowers and broom buds. Her selections include many of preserved now more commonly associated with charcuterie.
Cold meates & salletts and Rootes. Gummory of Bacon. A spanish dish of a Hogges head. Potted venison Collard beefe Sparribb. Hung beefe. [N]eate tonges Bollogna sassages Anchoves Caviare Botargo Olives Capers Oyle Eldervinager. Oranges, Lemmons, Almonds. Currants. Hard Egges. Broome budds. Sampyre. All green salle hearby. Raddish codds. Horse Raddish. Cowcumbers. Burage & Buglasse fflowers Couslip flowers. Clovegilliflowers. Purslain Radishes Butterd Parsnips. Turnops. Carretts. Cabbugg Savvy Cole Colley fflowers Artechoakes Potatoes Pease Ffrench beanes Skerretts Cardus The great thistle Beanes Sparragus Colewortes Spinage |