The Transcribers Folger Manuscript V.b.400 is the subject of EMROC’s fifth annual international transcribathon. Click here to see the completed transcription. Biographical and Contextual Information Folger Manuscript V.b.400 is unique among the manuscripts chosen for EMROC’s annual international transcribathons in several aspects. First, and foremost, it is the only anonymous manuscript to be thus selected. … Continue reading The Folger Manuscript V.b.400 Project →
Fourth Annual EMROC Transcribathon 18 September 2018Jane Dawson’s Recipe Book:Transcribing to Discover the Early Modern Middle Class Please join the Early Modern Recipe Online Collective (EMROC) for our third annual Transcribathon, as we make Jane Dawson’s seventeenth-century recipe manuscript searchable for users around the globe. We will have transcription groups working in at least a … Continue reading Transcribathon 2018: Jane Dawson’s Recipe Book →
Third Annual EMROC Transcribathon 7 November 2017 A Banquet of Books Please join the Early Modern Recipe Online Collective (EMROC) for our third annual Transcribathon. We will have transcription groups working in at least a dozen locations, on three continents, with individuals coming and going virtually throughout the day. Using the Folger Shakespeare Library’s online … Continue reading Transcribathon 2017: A Banquet of Books →
By Lisa Smith Welcome to our third annual transcribathon! The goal in previous years has been to take one book and finish a triple-keyed transcription of it over twelve hours. In 2016, 128 people from around the world finished Lady Castleton’s book, and in 2015, we had ninety-three transcribers complete Rebeckah Winche’s book. We’re delighted … Continue reading Welcome to #EMROCTranscribes 2017! →
Thinking about joining in #EMROCtranscribes this year, but feeling nervous? Worried about tackling old handwriting? Please read on for some tips from other first-time transcribers, as well as practical guidance on how-to join in! What it is like to join a Transcribathon One thing that participants often describe is the sense of team-work that comes … Continue reading Joining our Transcribathon without experience? →