Getting Started with Transcription

To jump right in to Transcribing:

  1. Sign in to your account at FromThePage. If you don’t have an account, click the “Sign Up Now” button here to get one.
  2. Go to this Google Sheet to choose a page to transcribe. Notice the tabs at the document’s foot, where you can choose a page from the Fanshawe Manuscript, the Ayscough Manuscript, or the Sedley Manuscript. Claim your page according to the instructions, click the Page Link, and start transcribing! Just remember to his “Save Changes” often.

Have a moment before you start? Please fill out our pre-transcribathon survey, at

Helpful Links:

FAQ about transcribing and info on FromthePage. Also, please remember that FromthePage has transcription tips below the manuscript image on every page.

Sample Transcriptions from Ayscough Manuscript and the Sedley Manuscript (to see a model of a “typical” page).

Helpful handouts on the Sedley handwriting and Ayscough handwriting, courtesy of Liza Blake.

Folgerpedia page with FromthePage transcription conventions and Dromio crosswalk.

Helpful background on the Ayscough manuscript, courtesy of the Wellcome Collection.

An overview of the Sedley manuscript, with video, courtesy of the Royal College of Physicians.

Other key links

EMROC blog (for quick and dirty blog posts as things happen, as well as more thoughtful posts later)

Twitter (for those of us live-tweeting the event, at #EMROCtranscribes)

The EMROC zoom room, open throughout the Transcribathon.