Transcribathon 2015: The Winche Project

On 7 October 2015, over a hundred volunteer transcribers from across the globe worked together to create a complete keying of Folger Manuscript v.b.366, Rebeckah Winche’s recipe book. These pages served as home base for those who devoted their time to the project. 

A seventeenth-century recipe book. Twelve hours. 208 pages. And students from around the world.

Welcome to the very first annual international EMROC transcribathon! We’re delighted that you’re able to join us from wherever you are around the world. On this page, please find a series of resources to orientate, help and inform.

Transcribing platform: (to log-in, just enter your name ‘FirstLast’ no spaces.

The Manuscript: v.b.366: “Receipt booke of Rebeckah Winche,”

Using Dromio 101. Dromio is our transcription platform. It’s intuitive and super easy to use.

Glossary of XML buttons. Dromio has a number of XML buttons. Here is a handy list of what they do.

Encoding in XML – A Quick Reference

Key links

Trello (for notices and running tab):  .

EMROC blog (for quick and dirty blog posts as things happen, as well as more thoughtful posts later)

Twitter (for those of us live-tweeting the event)